Digital Signal Processing:A Computer-Based Approach,2e with DSP Laboratory using MATLAB*Sanjit K Mitra (著)


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Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, 2e with DSP Laboratory using MATLAB (英語) ハードカバー

Sanjit K Mitra (著) 出版社: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 2版 (2001/7/16) コロンビア大学院の教科書、アメリカで買ったものです。


"Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach" is intended for a two-semester course on digital signal processing for seniors or first-year graduate students. Based on user feedback, a number of new topics have been added to the second edition, while some excess topics from the first edition have been removed. The author has taken great care to organize the chapters more logically by reordering the sections within chapters. More worked-out examples have also been included. The book contains more than 500 problems and 150 MATLAB exercises. New topics in the second edition include: finite-dimensional discrete-time systems, correlation of signals, inverse systems, system identification, matched filter, design of analog and IIR digital highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters, more on FIR filters, spectral analysis of random signals and sparse antenna array design. A corrected version of the main text is now packaged with Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Using MATLAB, which is intended for a computer-based DSP laboratory course that supplements a lecture course on Digital Signal Processing. The lab book includes 11 laboratory exercises, with each exercise containing a number of projects to be carried out on a computer. The book assumes that the reader has no background in MATLAB and teaches the reader, through tested programs in the first half of the book, the basics of this powerful language in solving important problems in signal processing. In the second half of the book, the student is asked to write the necessary MATLAB programs to carry out the projects.

Book Description

"Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach" is intended for a two-semester course on digital signal processing for seniors or first-year graduate students. Based on user feedback, a number of new topics have been added to the second edition, while some excess topics from the first edition have been removed. The author has taken great care to organize the chapters more logically by reordering the sections within chapters. More worked-out examples have also been included. The book contains more than 500 problems and 150 MATLAB exercises. New topics in the second edition include: finite-dimensional discrete-time systems, correlation of signals, inverse systems, system identification, matched filter, design of analog and IIR digital highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters, more on FIR filters, spectral analysis of random signals and sparse antenna array design. A corrected version of the main text is now packaged with Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Using MATLAB, which is intended for a computer-based DSP laboratory course that supplements a lecture course on Digital Signal Processing. The lab book includes 11 laboratory exercises, with each exercise containing a number of projects to be carried out on a computer. The book assumes that the reader has no background in MATLAB and teaches the reader, through tested programs in the first half of the book, the basics of this powerful language in solving important problems in signal processing. In the second half of the book, the student is asked to write the necessary MATLAB programs to carry out the projects.*本の状態:全体的はままきれいと思います。何ページには細い鉛筆で引いたラインまたは算式を書き込みがあり。(写真2を参考。要りません場合、消しゴムでも簡単に取れると思います。)よくチェックは行っておりますが、毎ページ見てるではありません、細かい傷など、見落としがありましたらご容赦ください。中古品ですので、年代につれて紙変色、シミなどある可能性あり。完璧を求められる方や、神経質な方のご入札はご遠慮ください。■他にもいろいろ出品しています。■ 発送はレターパック520になります。(手渡す)もう1冊(別出品、写真参考)一緒に発送場合、2冊同じ送料になり。 発送方法はご希望があれば、応じます。 (家庭用の量りで量っておりますので万が一差額が出てしまった場合、ご返金や追加のご請求は一切致しませんのであらかじめご了承下さい。) 発送について:1・入金を確認いたしました後、2-3日のに発送いたします。(定形外など郵便局の発送は土、日、祭を除く)お急ぎの方は、入札後即ご連絡下さい。
*ご理解いただける方及び自己紹介欄をご覧の上、入札をお願い致します。8450円Digital Signal Processing:A Computer-Based Approach,2e with DSP Laboratory using MATLAB*Sanjit K Mitra (著)本、雑誌自然科学と技術定休日以外毎日出荷中 □新しい透明導電膜の成膜・材料技術と開発動向
公式の店舗 電信条例及罰則電信取扱規則/太政大臣三条実美・工部卿伯爵

公式の店舗 電信条例及罰則電信取扱規則/太政大臣三条実美・工部卿伯爵



定休日以外毎日出荷中 □新しい透明導電膜の成膜・材料技術と開発動向

定休日以外毎日出荷中 □新しい透明導電膜の成膜・材料技術と開発動向

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Digital Signal Processing:A Computer-Based Approach,2e with DSP Laboratory using MATLAB*Sanjit K Mitra (著)
